Microsoft and National Council of La Raza Unveil Exclusive Affiliate Client-Tracking System -- Privacy Concerns Anyone?
Where are the privacy advocates when you need them? I don't hear the ACLU asking questions? I am not saying this is bad, or good--I don't know all the facts--but its interesting that when it's a liberal organization developing a tracking database, the left stays silent. I personally would not want to be in a NCLR database, regardless of how pretty they paint the picture of all the good things they do.
REDMOND, Wash., July 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Microsoft Corp. and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) unveiled an exclusive Web-based client-tracking database designed to help a network of more than 300 community-based organizations optimize their services for underserved Hispanic communities. The system, called National Council of La Raza Affiliate Client-Tracking System (NCLR ACTS), will help community-based organizations better utilize limited resources for client-service delivery by minimizing paperwork associated with the client intake and interview process. NCLR ACTS will allow affiliate organizations to collect client demographic data and maintain a comprehensive history of client services.Tagged: NCLR, Privacy Rights, Current Affairs