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Showing posts from October 7, 2007

Podcast: Talking GOP Debate and No Child Left Behind

Click here to listen to the MP3 audio of the discussion between Michel Martin, Stephen Henderson and myself on the GOP debate, and Bush's push for No Child Left Behind. The segment on the new gospel music competition reality show is a great segment -- check it out as well. Tell Me More , October 12, 2007 ยท This week, GOP presidential contenders met for a debate in Dearborn, Michigan. Meanwhile, President Bush was stumping for reauthorization of the education bill, "No Child Left Behind." In this week's Political Chat , hear insights from political blogger Josue Sierra and Stephen Henderson, Deputy Editorial Page Editor at the Detroit Free Press . You can listen on the NPR website right here . Related Posts : - On Air: Talking GOP Debate and No Child Left Behind - GOP Economy Debate Other Posts of Interest : - Conference for Minority Journalists of Faith Cross posted at:

Don't Call it Xenophobia and Don't Call it Racism

[ This post was originaly written on September 28th, when ICE was conducting raids on employers of illegal immigrants. ] Fox news is covering the recent ICE raids on McDonalds (and other companies I think), and the accusations by Hispanic community leaders (who decides who a "community leader" is anyway?) that these raids are somehow "racist.' I can sympathize with the plight of an immigrant who is in this country seeking a better life and seeking to provide for his/her family. Having lived in 3 different Central American countries as a missionary, so I can also sympathize with the plight of Latin Americans who are not able to provide for their families. I certainly can sympathize with the hardship created by corrupt governments in Latin America. BUT ...and this is a MAJOR BUT...every action has consequences. Entering our country illegally has legal consequences , including deportation. This is standard. It may not have been enforced in the past, but no...