UPDATE 2: Welcome Hugh Hewitt readers. Thanks for dropping in. I hope you will come back again . UPDATE: I did find a reference to the rebel group being Islamists on mosnews.com . This was in statements by the Interior Ministry. The dead suspects were alleged mercenaries for a radical Islamic group based in Chechnya, the Interior Ministry said. They were suspected of a series of attacks there, and of planning similar attacks against law enforcement authorities and strategic facilities in the Stavropol region. They probably had planned to seize a school, RIA-Novosti reported, citing Viktor Barnash, the head of the Stavropol organized crime department. I saw this story on Hugh Hewitt . I did a quick search on Google, and found more references to it on various Russian news web sites, but there was no mention in any of these articles about the rebels being Islamists. Are these journalist being politically correct? I am sure that in the minds of many legacy media journalists, these rebels...
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