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Showing posts from August 7, 2005

US citizen prefers being called Chicana? What happened to integration? reports on the growing birth rates in the Napa Valley area. While the story itself is nothing remarkable--growing Latino birth rates--it does bring up several good points I want to highlight. Signs in both English and Spanish adorn the walls of most Napa businesses and public agencies where a decade ago such a sight would have been rare. They reflect the rapidly changing face of Napa, with its booming Latino population -- some in the country illegally. The growing population of Latinos is very evident at local hospitals, where Latinos now account for the majority of new births in Napa County. It is evident that it's getting harder to ignore the problem. But throwing racism and ignorance into the mix, with lop-sided politics does not help solve the problem. The national survey being highlighted points out the problem with the high birth rates--integration. This is where I am concerned with groups like MECHA or La Raza who advocate a multiculturalism that is unhealthy ...

Why McCain cannot be our nominee in '08

Great discussion going on at on McCain and the 2008 elections. This is worth reading. Here is the original post by HeavyM . The people who are suggesting McCain would be a viable candidate for the GOP always say things such as, "Well, he's conservative at his core, he just disagrees with some fringe issues of the party," or, "It was only CFR that turned us sour on him, let's give him a chance to redeem himself." Better yet, a lot of folks are looking at polls showing him beating Hillary and concluding we need a sure winner so the GOP can hold the White House. Unfortunately, if we vote to make John McCain our nominee come '08, it will be one of the biggest mistakes we've made since the whole Bob Dole thing. Aleks311 commented: If McCain got the nomination the GOP will be in a position to reclaim the center, above all the old Perot base, which is the true prize of the American electorate. Not only will the GOP be able to win elections, b...

Is this Possible -- Diary got 20295 visits/day

According to the Truth Laid Bear web site , it looks like my diary got 20295 visits today. Wow! 20) - Daily Dish 32441 visits/day (17) 21) Captain's Quarters 28705 visits/day (4) 22) Hugh Hewitt 23942 visits/day (13) 23) Lifehacker 23413 visits/day (452) 24) MyDD :: Due Diligence of Politics, Election Forecast & the World Today 22816 visits/day (79) 25) 20295 visits/day (10496) [note the sub domain it takes you too] 26) 18416 visits/day (39) 27) Jesus' General 17611 visits/day (153) 28) Confirm Them 16936 visits/day (654) 29) The Volokh Conspiracy - - 16781 visits/day (10) 30) 16672 visits/day (46)

Oliver North stretching the facts -- I missed it.

A reader, Manuel Barrera, held me to task for not catching Oliver North's claim that one of the reasons the war on terror is not being won is because Chavez is giving refuge. He correctly points out: ...the war has been going in Colombia for over 40 years. Chavez has not been president that long. Manuel Barrera | 08.12.05 - 4:13 pm | # I have been blogging for a little over a month, and I totally missed this one. Thank you Manuel. Manuel added to my clarification by saying: The truth about what Chavez is doing, as he builds up his military machinery, and gives sanctuary to terrorists in the region, should be of concern to the US and Latin American countries in the region. Oliver North makes the connection in his commentary today. ... I don't care for chavez but I appreciate honesty. Manuel Barrera | 08.12.05 - 8:41 pm | # Barrera is right and here is my correction. If the war on drugs has not been won over the last 40 years, it...

Gay Marriage Is Not About Equal Rights For Gays

Well said and right on the money. Let's call it for what it is. The left's attempts to equate gay rights issues to civil rights is laughable. Read what Hispanic Pundit had to say . …it is special rights for gays . Currently everybody already has the same rights with regard to marriage. You, homosexuals, heterosexuals, and me are all legally allowed to marry any person of the opposite sex of our choice who is distant from us in terms of kinship and who is not already married. Homosexuals have that very same right . In other words, homosexuals as citizens of the United States have the same rights as I do. If a homosexual man wanted to marry a female who he is not related to, he could do so just as easily as I can. Homosexuals, as a group, are treated equally with regard to marriage as any other group. Read the rest of it .

Colorado Democrats try to protect stunning 2004 victories?

Did I miss the press release? Maybe I was watching the wrong show. Rocky Mountain News reports Colorado Democrats running low on money. It goes on to blame sluggish donations and strict campaign finance laws--anything but low support among constituents. The funny part is a one line reporter Lynn Bartells felt was important. The fundraising scramble comes as Democrats try to protect stunning victories it scored last year, and as Republicans are vowing revenge in 2006. Despite the claim of a stunning victory, facts in regards to the 2004 election show otherwise . While Salazar lied his way into the Senate race with broken campaign promises, and the Democrats did win three US House seats, the Republicans won four seats in the House, and oh, ya, the Presidential race. Bush won by 52% in Colorado to 47% to Kerry. While I cannot claim the Republicans had a stunning victory in CO in 2004, for Democrats to claim such is laughable.

Being conservative doesn’t mean being in a rural area or being in a small city

Interesting research on Conservatism in cities around the country . Is this sign that Democrats are losing ground even in their usual enclaves--the cities? Colorado Springs’ placement on the list was enough to destroy a main theory of the Bay Area Center for Voting Research, the nonpartisan California group that conducted the survey. “One of the trends that we thought we were finding was that conservative cities were smaller and liberal cities were bigger,” researcher Lindsay Hogan said. “Colorado Springs helps to prove that being conservative doesn’t mean being in a rural area or being in a small city.” The Gazette reports on what one Republican activist accounts for the ranking. The fact that religious individuals and militaries are not voting Democrat says something about the Democrat values and platform. They will continues to lose support in this country. Republican Party activist Don Gierard cited the large number of military personnel and religious organizations in the city. Oth...

Telesur: Just Another Weapon in Chavez War Arsenal

While Chavez may claim to have the popular support of the Venezuelan underclass, his true violent, terrorist nature is showing more and more. His warfaring nature grows with each passing day, and is becoming or already is a growing threat to the region. Aljazeera reported on July 28th about a possible alliance with the Venezuela-owned Telesur. Considering the death toll in London, and the victims of September 11, you must ask yourself what sort of company would want to form an alliance with Aljazeera? What purpose would this serve? Interestingly enough, while the MSM was complaining about Bush taking to many vacations, the president was meeting with the President of Colombia and discussing the war on terror and the war on drugs. The great enemy of Colombian democracy is terrorism. And our great partner in defeating terrorism has been the government and the people of the United States. Allow me to say here to the rest of the world that U.S. cooperation has been exemplary. It has gone b...

Multiculturalism: Lessons for Latinos from London

The misunderstanding of what is multiculturalism is becoming a growing problem, both economically and culturally. Allow me to explain. I started thinking about this when I read the quote by Tony Blair on the problems they have faced with homeland terrorism in London. He says: You can have your own religion and your own culture but still feel integrated into the mainstream of a community....when you've got people who may be here sometimes 20 years or more and who still don't speak English, that worries me because there's a separateness there that may be unhealthy. Here is the important lesson for Latinos. We need to stay faithful to our value and faith, but it is imperative that all immigrants seek to integrate into the mainstream community. I do believe this must start with learning the language. Immigrant children should, first and foremost, learn English. Blair's quote is worth repeating again: ...when you've got people who may be here sometimes 20 years or more a...

The Exorcism of Emily Rose by Scott Derrickson

Seems like there is a new scary movie coming out that was directed by an alumni out of Biola University. A co-worker comments: Looks pretty intense. Along the level of the Exorcist. It will be interesting to see how much the Christian aspect will be played out in the story. If the studio will allow it. Hope it does well for him so he can get more work. Here is from the words of the director. What do I hope to accomplish? I want to scare the audience, since that's what they're paying for -- to be scared. Beyond that, I hope to enrich them with quality filmmaking, and provoke them to think about the reasonability of the metaphysical. I want everyone who sees this film to come away asking themselves what they believe about demons, the devil, and God. It's not about providing answers, but asking the right questions. I'm not one for scary movies, but this makes it compelling. The dangers of the spiritual world are real, and often ignored. I hope the movie does what Derricks...

Embryonic Stem Cells vs. Adult Stem Cells -- The Truth

A reader over at Fresh Tasty Ideas comments on my post about adult stem cells. Mathew writes, At Latino Issue, Josue is discussing one of my favorite issues . We both ask how those who advocate abortion and/or embryonic experiments don't want to define when life starts. If we don't know, why not take the "high road?" He makes a good argument that if we take a utilitarian approach to this issue, instead of an ethical one, we are going down a road that history does not look kindly upon. And here is the readers response to the post. I find it hard to take that guy serious when he makes false comments like adult stem cells are the same as embryonic ones. There is no debate on this issue, they are NOT the same. Simple fact of biology. As for the high road I say you are not even attempting to go on the road. Again I ask the question that law makers must make: Given the embryo is equivalent to life who should get more rights the mother or fetus? His "high roa...

Gay Marriage -- Let's get the facts right

In a diary entry on, NotSoBlueStater posses the question of, "Why Do Conservatives Oppose Gay Marriage?" and presents an argument that just does not hold up. Seems to me that if a conservative acknowledges the right to be homosexual at all, he or she should actually support gay marriage. After all, which do we want do we want to encourage: Stable, long-term relationships, or bed hopping? The problem with the argument presented, among others, is that the idea of a monogamous gay relationship is a myth. If you are to understand the conservative point of view on this issue, religious or not, you have to give an honest look at the research, and get the facts. The truth is that even in long term so-called monogamous relationship among gay couples, research has shown there is always an arrangement for a little bed hopping. True monogamy in gay relationships are a myth! There are countless of other factors that everyone seems to ignore when it comes to the effects of ...

Put the pressure on Cuba like the Pope did to Poland

Great comments by Patd95 on a logical, human-rights driven approach to dealing with Castro. The fact is that if more governments where putting on the pressure on Castro, perhaps there would be something different in Cuba today. Castro can't die soon enough. Cuba can't be opened soon enough. I have posted many pieces about Castro on my blog and you would have thought I was the Anti-Christ by the hate mail I got. This is one of the last closed societies left on the planet. The 'Beard' needs to die so the world can see what a monster he is, how oppressed the Cubans have been, and how his death will once and for all drive a stake into the heart of agrarian communism. I would have made this a policy of mine if elected President. If the West and the US are truly driven by protecting human rights, then put the pressure on Cuba like the Pope did to Poland. Mention dissidents imprisoned like Reagan did in the 80s. Give them hope. Give them a voice. The time is now to turn up th...

Utilitarianism vs. Ethics; When does life begin?

One of my Latino Issues readers made a statement that shows the growing influence of utilitarian approach to medical experimentation. It reveals a weakening of the moral ethics of scientists that would be willing to risk killing a human for the sake of a "potential" cure or benefit. In religious terms, life begins when a spirit is placed into a body. When does that happen? I think that is happens sometime during pregnancy. Perhaps when the fetus is viable to survive on it's own. I think that the spirit comes into the body and at least takes a few "test drives" in the womb. I am anti-abortion, but I do not see an abortion as exactly equivalent to murder. I respect life and hold it sacred, I also see terrible suffering, pain and death of those who need treatment. As for life, we cannot get so hung up on the technicalities that we take the approach of the some sects in India where they only walk down the street if they can have a broom in front of them so as to nev...

Red Cross Employee's checking out my blog

Looking over my log reports, I noticed quite a few visitors from within Red Cross headquarters. I am curious to know what they think? If you are a Red Cross employee, would you be willing to email me your thoughts on the whole story of the employee who got fired for refusing to celebrate "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month"? I will protect your identity.

Carlos Alberto Montaner: Balancing democracy, market economy

Great piece by Carlos Alberto Montaner that sheds light on why it is that such a large percent of the populations in Latin American nations think that capitalist democracies do not work. Montaner says, " If half of the population of Latin America is miserable and lives in mud and tin shacks, in societies organized as self-described capitalist democracies, it is natural that a good many people think that the model doesn't work. That is why neither populism nor antidemocratic attitudes fade away." As he clearly points out, it is not what you call it that matters, but what is being applied and practiced. It isthe application of democracy and government that makes a real difference in the lives of individuals. How do we ensure that the happy combination of market and democracy will eventually produce in Latin America the same fruit that it has produced in countries such as Holland, Denmark, Ireland and even Spain and Portugal? The answer may lie in the Chilean experience, or...

Chavez and Castro to form federation of the two countries?

This is not to far fetched . It would cause havock in the region, and potentially propel us to war in our own continent. Here is this from CARLOS ALBERTO MONTANER: In Cuba, the armed forces are the brains, heart and stomach of the system, while society is merely a cheap and docile labor force at the service of the army's whims and interests. Of course, the system wraps itself in a patriotic-nationalist discourse, filled with a strong ethnic content that guarantees the defense of sovereignty and a feverish dedication to the redemption of the humble. But that's just a big alibi; just palaver. I suppose many Venezuelan officers liked what they saw in Cuba. They have found the formula to climb to the top of the social pyramid and to feel like the heroes and protagonists of a glorious historic feat. Chávez will lead them up the path of privileges, wealth and social supremacy. Once the system consolidates itself, they will form the dominant caste, they will live in splendor -- bett...

Library protest, Ignorance, turns into battle over illegal immigration is reporting what amounts to a display of ignorance by anti-immigration individuals. DENVER - A battle over alleged pornographic, Spanish-language material inside the Denver Public Library morphed Monday into a battle over illegal immigration outside the Denver Public Library. A protest and counter-protest drew dozens of people to the Central Branch of the library to rally for their respective political causes. The items which precipitated the debate are called fotonovellas, which according to Library Director Rick Ashton, "are a popular Spanish publication format in Latin America and the United States. They are usually fiction books which use both pictures (photos or drawings) and text to tell their stories. The most typical content is similar to that of the Mexican soap operas that you have seen on Spanish-language television." So, allow me to be clear. I do believe Libraries should protect innocent children and prevent pornographic material, of any language, ...

Memo to Sen. Frist -- Listen to the Doctors

From WorldMagBlog: The 17,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA) is reiterating its support for adult-stem-cell research, which has so far led to treatments for more than 65 ailments, including -- drum roll for heart specialists such as the majority leader -- heart disease: Brazil reportedly is about to begin an adult-stem-cell experiment involving 1,200 heart patients. With billions already spent on embryonic stem cell research that destroys human embryos, the number of successful treatments so far resulting from that approach: Zero. From the CMA web site, Executive Director David Stevens comments : "Many injustices and horrors have been foisted on individuals and society in the name of science," noted CMA Executive Director David Stevens, M.D., "but to duplicate a living human being for the sole purpose of exploitative research and destruction is singularly morally unconscionable. To do so when morally acceptable research--the use of adult stem cells--is alrea...

12 Year Old Hero Saves Mom in Wal Mart Parking Lot

What every parent hopes their kid is like. Great feel-good story. Got to read these more often to remember why we work so hard at preserving the values and freedoms we enjoy--for our children. (CBS4) LAFAYETTE, Colo . Many people are calling a 12-year-old boy a hero after he jumped behind the wheel of his mother's car Saturday evening. Ryan Sullivan's mother started to have a seizure while driving in a Lafayette Wal-Mart parking lot when she stepped on the gas and rocketed to 65 miles per hour. "I unbuckled my seatbelt and literally jumped onto my mom's leg and I pulled it off the accelerator," Sullivan said. He eventually hit a curb, blew out a tire, jammed on the breaks and stopped the car after skidding 80 feet. He narrowly missed at least two other cars and the front door of the store. Amazingly, he did all of this with one hand. Earlier in the day, Sullivan sprained his wrist while skateboarding. "Had he not been able to bring that car under control...

Grammy winner Marc Cohn shot in head, Suspected Carjacker Arrested

"Grammy winner Marc Cohn shot in head." After a performance last night, Cohn's van was the subject of a botched carjacking and Cohn was shot flush in the temple. "Frankly, I can't tell you how he survived," the Denver police spokesman said. I think we can file this story under "today's good news." is reporting an arrest of the suspected shooter . DENVER - On Sunday evening Magnolia Hotel employees called police when they say 26-year-old Joseph Yacteen tried to pay for his room with a stolen credit card. Just more than 24 hours later he was in custody suspected of shooting a Grammy winning performer. Yacteen is suspected of shooting Marc Cohn, who had a hit with the song "Walking in Memphis" and won the Grammy for best new artist in 1992. Cohn was shot in the temple late Sunday when a man fired into his band's van in a parking garage. Watch the video .

Bolivian Congress shelved proposed legislation seeking to legalize abortion and advance the gay agenda

Sr. Hormando Vaca Díez, President of the Bolivian Congress, pulled out from a proposed legislation seeking to legalize abortion and advance the gay agenda in Bolivia. Bolivian evangelicals from many denominations where united in opposing this initiative, resulting in a massive backlash. “The [sexual reproductive rights bill] is not slated for debate,” said Díez in Los Tiempos (periodical in Cochabamba, Bolivia), “because I received with much concern a series of phone calls. So, those who were worried about it can be at peace.” Los Tiempos reports that the legislation is opposed, among many others, by the Catholic church, Evangelical Association of Bolivia, and the Parents Assocation and other activist groups. Here is the Los Tiempos article in Spanish. Difieren ley sobre derechos sexuales La Paz | Anf.- El Congreso Nacional repuso en la agenda ayer el proyecto de Ley de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, aunque su tratamiento fue diferido hasta la próxima legislatura para evitar una p...

Telesur is further evidence of America's Growing Influence

While St. Petersburg Times' David Adams is saying that Telesur is a sign of America's weakening influence in Latin America, I will say the opposite. Democracy is spreading, and the values of hard work, and free market economy is spreading. This is not to say that socialist and the left are not gaining ground--they are. We can see in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay the perfect example. But, this is not to say that socialism is all that more welcome, just that these countries continue to have trouble developing long-lasting democracies, and many times make the mistake of electing the wrong people. The masses are easily deceived, hence the blessings of our federal system, and the electoral college. Either way, it's a sign of the times. In an era of waning respect for U.S. foreign policy, Telesur is further evidence of the United States' dwindling influence in the region. "Telesur is an initiative against cultural imperialism," declared the station's presid...

Wal Mart of yester-years is no longer the same of today?

I got some comments on my previous post on Wal Mart I thought where worth bringing up to the main page. Dave may have a point in differentiating between the values and vision of the Wal Mart of Sam Walton, and the Wal Mart of today. It may well be that the Wal Mart of yesteryears is no longer the same of today. But these, I believe, are business arguments. That is legitimate. If Wal Mart goes out of business because it does not know how to keep its customers, then great. Free markets would be at work, and that would be best for the consumer. Forgive my overly enthusiastic comments on WalMart, the dream. What I meant was to find competitive, low-cost ways of doing what we keep asking the government to do for us. Education, welfare, and a huge list of other activities would be better served through private and community effort at a more local level. This is where perhaps I argue there is something to be learned about Wal Marts ability to make things affordable to the lower income segment...

American Red Cross Fires Employee for Refusal to Celebrate "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month"

A relative brought this story to my attention on the recent case of the Red Cross employee that was fired for his refusal to celebrate the Gay lifestyle. It is sad to see a life-saving organization getting distracted by politics and political correctness, instead of focusing on what they should be--saving lives. It is worst when political correctness trumps over individual's rights of expression and free exercise of religion. We can only hope the courts correct this error by the Red Cross, and communicate clearly to American corporations that free speech is still a constitutional right in this country. When a non-profit starts veering away from its intended mission, in this case saving lives, then one should reconsider how your donations are being used. I for one do not want my hard earned dollars being spent on sensitivity training and "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month" celebrations. Here is the email I received. It expresses well what I am sure are many people's sentimen...

Wal Mart, the left, Kelos, small businesses and the underclass

Yesterday I posted some thoughts on Wal Mart, and asked the question why is it that so many hate Wal Mart? A great discussion has ensued I want to share here. Darleen, from Darleen's Place , said I have no problem with Wal-mart's success when they do things right. But I oppose their getting local municipalities to use eminent domain so Wal-mart can keep their land acquisition costs below free market value. And Kelo will only exacerbate this exploitive tactic. I agree with that. This is where perhaps power corrupts. I do not advocate using eminent domain to remove residents to make space for a Wal Mart, but I am not opposed to a county or city council providing incentives to bring a Wal Mart into their community. Wal Mart makes a huge difference in a local economy. Not just in terms of tax revenue, but in making residents life better through affordable products. This is a thin line Wal Mart has to walk, and be very careful. Vladimir says , On the other hand, I've heard anec...