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Showing posts from July 8, 2007

The Cost of a Failed Immigration Policy

Great article that shows the consequences of a failed immigration policy. You might not like the fact that our country is host to so many immigrants, but the fact is your children no longer want to do the "cheap" work they used to. Think about all these businesses that use temporary workers -- can you imagine our economy if all these businesses had to shut down? Think about it. Every policy decision has a price to pay. Think about that next time you get into a political debate. Why Filling Summer Jobs Is Tougher and Tougher - But even as the U.S. economy becomes increasingly reliant on foreign workers, employers are having to look further afield to find them. And the collapse of the Senate immigration bill last month means that pool operators and other summer employers may face more problems next year. Among the casualties when the bill collapsed was the expansion of a visa program called H-2B, which allows employers to recruit 66,000 foreigners a year to fill jobs fo...

Hispanic Republicans Celebrate 33rd Anniversary (english/español)

Just got this in my inbox. Republican National Hispanic Assembly RNHA Washington, D.C.         PRESS RELEASE   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 12, 2007    Contact: Bettina Inclan Phone: 202-281-0891         Hispanic Republican Assembly Celebrates 33rd Anniversary WASHINGTON D.C. - Today the Republican National Hispanic Assembly celebrates its 33rd anniversary. On this day in 1974, Republican National Committee Chairman, George H.W. Bush, created the RNHA. The organization is now an independent membership association and will be celebrating its anniversary at their National Convention in Washington D.C., July 19 -22, 2007. "For over three decades the Republican Party has been dedicated to Hispanic outreach. Today, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly proudly celebrates is anniversary and rich history of Hispanic involved in politics,'...