One of the issues that motivated me to start blogging, and one of the most common topics here on Latino Issues is immigration. It is a complex subject, and one I know from having lived among the victims of illegal immigration and the corruption of Latin American business environment. There is no easy answer.
The one thing I didn't see here was more about fencing and border security. I think the following quote is a great perspective on the reality of illegal immigration. You can read the whole article for yourself here.
The root of this debate has to do with millions of human beings. I think both parties have done plenty to alienate the voters -- perhaps they should start thinking about doing what is right.
Here is where I suggest they can start:
The one thing I didn't see here was more about fencing and border security. I think the following quote is a great perspective on the reality of illegal immigration. You can read the whole article for yourself here.
Anti-immigrant activists distort reality when they suggest that the undocumented are predominantly gang members, welfare chiselers and uneducated burdens on the taxpayer. Most illegals actually work hard and pay billions in taxes, while many own their own homes, go to church, raise decent children and give to charity. At the same time, it's ridiculous to suggest that all illegals count as good neighbors, loving parents and inspiring examples of the work ethic. About 400,000 have run afoul of the law, with warrants out for theirA commenter over at USA Today had this to say:
arrest as they defy governmental efforts at deportation.
In short, like every other group , illegals include examples of both the worst and the best of humanity: some of them damage our society through criminality, abuse of the social safety net and insistence on ethnic separatism, while many others toil tirelessly at their jobs while raising decent children and longing to take their place in the mainstream.
Do you actually think Hispanics will vote Republican in ten years while the Democratic party shifts as the party that speaks for the American Minority?I don't know what Medved would say, but I don't think this has anything to do with votes. And if you think the Democrat party is speaking for the American minority, you are truly deceived. The only growing minority the Democrat party is interested in speaking for is the Union bosses, and the radical groups like ANSWER.
The root of this debate has to do with millions of human beings. I think both parties have done plenty to alienate the voters -- perhaps they should start thinking about doing what is right.
Here is where I suggest they can start:
- Apply full diplomatic pressure to Latin American countries to encourage true free market reforms and entrepreneurship. Make a list of "worst reformers" and give incentives to countries that makes it easy for their citizens to start and run a business. Encourage American multi-national corporations to contribute to the fight against corruption.
- Build the fence. I'm not opposed to technology like cameras, sensors, drones, and all of that. But, listen to the experts. If they say a physical fence is needed, then so be it. I imagine in populated areas, a fence is the only effective way.
- Fix the mess and bureaucracy in the legal immigration process. Make it safe. Make it secure. Make it effective. Make the legal process work with promptness and provide a quality service.
- Start taking steps to find solutions to the challenge of dealing with the present population of illegal immigrants. The important thing when brainstorming for possible solutions is to listen!
Make sure you read the full article, then feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. But, be warned -- I won't allow insults, or personal attacks. Let's talk about it -- I welcome all points of views.Ultimately, even the most stringent effort to expel illegals will leave millions remaining in the USA, and the most important goal for this mass of humanity is assimilation —following the path of previous immigrants into the national mainstream.
At the moment, the biggest obstacle to such assimilation involves the impossibility of ever achieving legal residency. When the law makes it impossible for an immigrant to correct his illegal status, he faces greatly reduced motivation to embrace a new American identity.