Father Jonathan Moriss was just on Fox News, and cited the fallen bridge that connects Caracas to the coastline and main airport, as clear proof that the Revolution is not working.
Global Voices Online has more, including some interesting graphics, and links to what the bloggers have been saying about this.
Venezolanos, socialismo y comunismo no tiene nada que ofrecer! Abandonen la mentiras de Chavez y sus ofertas socialistas, y unanse en la defensa de libertad. Chavez no es la solucion!
Global Voices Online has more, including some interesting graphics, and links to what the bloggers have been saying about this.
Venezuelan bloggers are buzzing about this event, which is seen as an economical catastrophe for the country. The government official statement indicates that the bridge collapsed because rainfall within the last week. Venezuelans received such a statement with emotional reactions going from relentless laughter to anger, since the disaster had been announced long ago. The first study reporting landslides affecting the viaduct structure was published on 1987, and experts have been advising the building of an alternate route, and the closing of this highway for major maintenance works since at least 2000. Rodolfo Rico highlights the cynicism of vice-President Rangel's remarking on the government’s unawareness about the risk of the viaduct collapsing, and reports Google search results on the issue.What more proof do you need? Chavez may have been elected, but all that Chavez can offer Venezuela is poverty, and dispair. Socialism and Communism has NOTHING to offer! When will the world get a clue!
Venezolanos, socialismo y comunismo no tiene nada que ofrecer! Abandonen la mentiras de Chavez y sus ofertas socialistas, y unanse en la defensa de libertad. Chavez no es la solucion!