Drudge Report has a link to a Jerusalem Post story on a Christmas speech by Hugo Chavez, where he alluded to the Jewish community and made anti-Semitic comments. As if the news of shortages wasn't enough, Chavez keeps revealing who he is--good old fashioned, power-hungry, socialist and communist.
A Jewish rights organization accused Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez of making anti-Semitic comments during a Christmas Eve speech.On a side note, that same article mentions that Chavez said something about Jesus being a socialist. Why do Socialist claim Jesus as one of them?? I just don't get it. It's the old false idea that the left has a monopoly on social justice, and the poor. The problem is that it's been proven that socialism only harms a nation, and specially the poor! Of course, those same people on the left will just as quickly dismiss Christians. You just can't win with the left.
The Los Angeles, California-based Simon Wiesenthal Center demanded an apology from Chavez in a statement issued Wednesday, saying such remarks have long been used to persecute Jews.
"Some minorities, descendants of the same ones who crucified Christ ... took all the world's wealth for themselves," Chavez said in the Dec. 24 speech.
"In your words, the two central arguments of anti-Semitism emerge ... the accusation that Jews killed Jesus (and) associating them with wealth," the Center said in a letter sent to Chavez. "Our center strongly condemns your anti-Semitic declarations."