A.M. Mora y Leon has more at Publius Pundit.
Cuba has secured a spot on the new United Nations human rights council, the board that replaced a previous one, which was intended to keep countries like Zimbabwe and Burma off these boards.Its making Val Prieto's head spin. I agree--this sort of outrage by the UN is enough to make any descent liberty loving, human-rights defending citizen go dizzy!
The U.S., wisely, opted to stay off this United Nations board, knowing full well that countries like Cuba could gerrymander the new system to be on it. It’s quite a reflection on the workings of the United Nations that this should be the state of affairs now. The UN is now more irrelevant than ever.What sort of Human Rights are they expecting to be able to defend and protect? The key word for everything related to the UN--irrelevant. How about corrupt? At times, even evil? Feel free to add to the list...