To me, the principles of the constitution are more important that racial loyalty. I am a United States citizen first, a Hispanic second. I have a problem with Alberto Gonzalez, first of all because my understanding is that Roe-vs-Wade distorted and beyond and outside the intent and guidelines of the constitution. There is no right to an abortion in the Constitution. Personally, I do not understand how he can morally justify abortion. But, I know many do. Nevertheless, I voted for Bush, and expect him to nominate a conservative, originalist judge to the court. Gonzales would not be such man, if it is true that his record has been in favor of abortion rights. Maybe I'm missing information. You tell me.
For more than a week, a veritable torrent has tipped Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as President Bush's first nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. It has sent the conservative movement into spasms of fear and loathing.Gonzales long has been unacceptable to anti-abortion activists because of his record as a Texas Supreme Court justice.