From WorldMagBlog:
The 17,000-member Christian Medical Association (CMA) is reiterating its support for adult-stem-cell research, which has so far led to treatments for more than 65 ailments, including -- drum roll for heart specialists such as the majority leader -- heart disease: Brazil reportedly is about to begin an adult-stem-cell experiment involving 1,200 heart patients. With billions already spent on embryonic stem cell research that destroys human embryos, the number of successful treatments so far resulting from that approach: Zero.From the CMA web site, Executive Director David Stevens comments:
"Many injustices and horrors have been foisted on individuals and society in the name of science," noted CMA Executive Director David Stevens, M.D., "but to duplicate a living human being for the sole purpose of exploitative research and destruction is singularly morally unconscionable. To do so when morally acceptable research--the use of adult stem cells--is already producing tremendous therapies for patients--is unthinkable.As I have said before, Frist lost himself the Republican nomination. I like what this World reader says--not because of his support for embryonic stem cell research, but because of his flip-flopping.
"We know from animal cloning that the technical problems and dangers associated with cloning will never produce therapies that these researchers speculate could be applied to human beings. Meanwhile, adult stem cells are generating real therapies for real patients. Compassion for the suffering mandates that we need to put our limited resources where success is not only much more likely but already happening."