While Chavez may claim to have the popular support of the Venezuelan underclass, his true violent, terrorist nature is showing more and more. His warfaring nature grows with each passing day, and is becoming or already is a growing threat to the region. Aljazeera reported on July 28th about a possible alliance with the Venezuela-owned Telesur. Considering the death toll in London, and the victims of September 11, you must ask yourself what sort of company would want to form an alliance with Aljazeera? What purpose would this serve?
Interestingly enough, while the MSM was complaining about Bush taking to many vacations, the president was meeting with the President of Colombia and discussing the war on terror and the war on drugs.
My mother used to say, "Dime con quien handas, y te dire quien eres" which translates to, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Look at who Chaves has for friends. It says a lot about who he is.
Interestingly enough, while the MSM was complaining about Bush taking to many vacations, the president was meeting with the President of Colombia and discussing the war on terror and the war on drugs.
The truth about what Chavez is doing, as he builds up his military machinery, and gives sanctuary to terrorists in the region, should be of concern to the US and Latin American countries in the region. Oliver North makes the connection in his commentary today.The great enemy of Colombian democracy is terrorism. And our great partner in defeating terrorism has been the government and the people of the United States. Allow me to say here to the rest of the world that U.S. cooperation has been exemplary. It has gone beyond rhetoric, and it has, in fact, been cooperation that has been put in practice.
And all democratic countries need to know that, that cooperation should be realistic and put into practice. We have made progress, and we are winning, but we have not won yet.
One of the reasons Colombia has not won yet is because the narco-terrorists who are doling out the mayhem and murder in Colombia are finding refuge in Venezuela, with whom Colombia shares a 1,300 mile border. The near-dictatorial regime of Hugo Chavez in Caracas has granted the guerrillas a safe haven to launch attacks against Colombia. This, coupled with last month's launch of the new Chavez propaganda channel called Telesur, has caused growing concern in Bogota and other democratic capitals in the region. Telesur, it should be noted, is a "joint project" of the socialist governments of Venezuela, Cuba, Uruguay and Argentina.Here is what director Aharonian told reporters:
When Chavez is not competing with Al Gore in launching new television networks, he is busy increasing his military troop strength and making unprecedented purchases of arms. On his shopping list: MI-24 attack helicopters, 100,000 AK-47 assault rifles from Russia, coastal gun boats and a fleet of troop transport aircrafts. The purchases have caused great concern in both Bogota and Washington and may have emboldened Chavez to step up his rhetorical assault on the U.S.
Telesur is more than an alternative news source, aiming to “recover, or bring back, the Word that has been held hostage for over three decades by dictators, corrupt politicians and holders of large amounts of capital . . . that worked together to ransack our nations, and tried to convince us that through intrigue and globalization, everything would improve.”I can understand their frustration with corrupt politicians and illegal business practices. I can understand their frustration with dictators who enslave them. But, unfortunately, they are trading one evil for another.
My mother used to say, "Dime con quien handas, y te dire quien eres" which translates to, "Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Look at who Chaves has for friends. It says a lot about who he is.